About Us
Our network has been designed, built and is supported by a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals from the UK and Spain, dedicated to providing the best possible levels of service. We are passionate about Ibiza and improving the quality of life of those who visit or live on the island.
In 2014, Befree Networks created a purpose built data centre in Ibiza Town where our company is based. We own and operate our internet service using a ten gigabit dedicated submarine fibre connection, which we distribute 'through the air' using our own government licensed frequencies to 36 distribution locations around the island.
One of the major issues with internet services in Ibiza is that other providers use shared or unlicensed frequencies in many parts of their network using blanket coverage to supply vast areas of the island. In peak times you get a fraction of the headline speeds that companies advertise, providers also commonly oversubscribe their network resulting in varying levels of performance throughout the day. Befree Networks provide rock solid connections with the guarantee of both speed and quality.